Queens College of the Kingdom of Dragon Croft


Queens College is an online educational component of Historical Education and Re-Creation of Alabama (HERA), the educational arm of the Kingdom of Dragon Croft. It was founded and is supported by the Kingdom's gracious Queen Annwynn.
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The Roster of Professors and Researchers
that are tasked by
Her Royal Majesty, Queen Annwyn, with expanding the
courses of knowledge available at the Queens College and bring forth
better understanding of history, to help elevate the Court,
Kingdom and all personages that might visit the College.
- Master Carl the Scholar Magistrate of Literature
- Lady Sophia Mundy - Magistrate of Music
- Lord William - Magistrate of Dance and Decorum
- Darlene the Learned - Majesta of Language Arts
- Madame Cooke of Oak Hall - Prefect of Cookery
- Jarl Bragi Thorbjorn- Prefect of Slavic Studies
- Commodore Koi- Prefect of Piracy Through the Ages
- Captain Catherine Sea Wolf- Prefect of the Golden Age of Piracy Women's Studies
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We have created a Study Guide that can be used for home schools and public schools as well. This valuable educational resource is a gift from the Kingdom and provided without restrictions.
Click the gryphon below to view this resource in PDF format.
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Additional resources for more information on character building
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VENDORS - Resources for Period Garb and Medievalizing Your Tent
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Research on Medieval Subjects written by Dame Seraphina Celeste Jewel Markess, Minister of Education
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If you are in need of information or assistance, please click below.
